Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Kilkenny People

Interview with Wladek Hanczar, a Candidate to Kilkenny County Council
Local Election 2014

Monday, 28 April 2014

Event in Shem's Bar at 8pm on Friday 2nd May 2014

We will Celebrate 10 years in European Union 

and International Polonia's day. 
Attraction of the night: handsome boys and pretty girls. 
It will be a Raffle during the Event with Great Prizes.
Organizers Wladek Hanczar, Remi Sikora, Adam Zagórski,


Ciekawe rzeczy zaczynaja dziać się w Kilkenny. Kilku pasjonatów, Władek Hanczar, Remi Sikora, Tomasz Kaluba, Norbert Kulik, Adam Zagórski, postanowiło stworzyć w Kilkenny POLSKĄ GRUPĘ POLITYCZNĄ, której głównym celem będzię integracja środowisk polonijnych,

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Kilkenny Integration Forum

The question is:
What we need to do to make immigrants more involved in the life of society and actively participated in LOCAL ELECTION OF IRELAND ?
Kilkenny ORMOND HOTEL 25.04.2014

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Saturday, 19 April 2014


USA rozpoczynaja budowe tarczy antyrakietowej w Polsce, w Redzikowie koło Słupska.,419990,s.html

Friday, 18 April 2014

Happy Easter

Dear Friends,

I would like to wish you a Happy Easter, peace, joyful atmosphere, and a lot of love in your families.
Two thousand years ago, the son of God, Jesus Christ gave his life for us, for our salvation and rebirth of faith in the One God
It is time for the Resurrection

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Sunday, 13 April 2014

New Promo Movie Local Election 2014

I'm very happy to inform you about new promo movie for my Local Election to Kilkenny County Council 2014. I would like to say great thanks for my Manager and film Director Remi Sikora, Tomasz Kaluba, Norbert Kulik, Rachelka, Dr. RB

Saturday, 12 April 2014


The action with PETITION to Kilkenny County Council is continue.
Under Petition signed :
Wladek Hanczar Author and Applicant
Cllr. Kathleen Function, Cllr. Sean O'Hearigan, Cllr. David Fitzgerald
and 360 Kilkenny People :-)
Thanks so much

Interview in Radio KCLR 96FM - Sue Noon Show with Wladek Hanczar

I would like to thanks for all of you.
The interview was fantastic, good experience, ineresting questions,
Thanks Sue

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Invitation to KCLR Radio Kilkenny - Wladek Hanczar

I would like to invite all of you for my interview on the KCLR Radio Kilkenny 11th April 2014 at 12.00
Wladek Hanczar

Monday, 7 April 2014

Wladek Hanczar Kilkenny Close to The People Candidate Programme and Biography


Dear Friends, Voters, and all positive people - Wladek Hanczar

I would like to inform about my new think and new idea.
Together with my friend and Campaign Chief  Remi Sikora , Michal Electromafia Kolarik, Tomas Movie Slovak, Karolina Kaluba and Alex Danilov we created a new promotional movie.
Also with Remi help we opened my BLOG.
My political mentor John F. Kennedy said :
" One good picture is more important then 1000 words"